Hindu Maha Sabha Chief Arrested for Derogatory Remarks Against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Lucknow: The Lucknow police Wednesday arrested Hindu Mahasabha Chief Kamlesh Tiwari who allegedly passed derogatory remarks against Prophet Muhammad, after students of Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband and other members of Muslim community staged a protest demanding action against him.

Students of Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband and other members of Muslim community had taken to streets to protest and demanded action against Tiwari. AMU students also protested for the same on Friday.

According to a report published in Economics Times, the Hindu Mahasabha Chief allegedly circulated pamphlets containing derogatory remarks against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Muslims.

The situation was pacified and the mob was dispersed after Tiwari’s arrest.

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